

The darkness of night envelopes

The beam of my headlight.

The quiet solitude that I find

Inside the roar of engines

Saturates my mind, and

Brings forth thoughts of life.

Thoughts of God,
Of loved ones, and friends;
Things to do, and things already done.

The winter cold and snow
Seem helpless outside my window.
Though I know
This feeling is but an illusion.

In times like these I am afforded the opportunity
To thank the Creator for all his gifts;
Savior, family, friends.
And even the illusion of the overcome winter,
Here in this warm cab.

However, these gifts are obvious.
My secret thanks goes to Him
For the gift of being able to find
The serenity of meaningful thought
While surrounded by the roar of life.

by Mark L. Yetter
March 2000